HomeRockwallCity of Rockwall celebrated Arbor Day

City of Rockwall celebrated Arbor Day

Rockwall, Texas – City of Rockwall and the Rockwall Parks and Recreation Department celebrated Arbor Day with a lively commitment to green spaces and education as a way to honor nature and community. The Rockwall Parks and Recreation Department celebrated the day on November 3, 2023, by planting five new Rising Sun Redbud trees and opening a new educational garden at 385 S. Goliad City Hall.

Planting new trees for celebrating Arbor Day in Rockwall

The planting is not only giving a splash of natural city to the city of Rockwall. This move is also a sing of supporting sustainability and environmental education. The Rising Sun Redbud has heart-shaped leaves that change from peach to gold to green. And it looks amazing.

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City of Rockwall continues its commitment to raising environmental awareness

The City of Rockwall constantly shows its commitment to taking care of the environment. The new educational garden is just another prove the city remains dedicated to raise awareness and encourage local residents learn more about plants and trees. The garden is a colorful collection of more than 230 plants, including more than 25 types of shrubs, annuals, perennials, trees, and wildflowers.

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These plants are SmartScape and Earth-Kind plants that are a perfect fit for Zone 8 in the North Texas area. They also don’t need much care and don’t need a lot of water, fertilizer, or chemicals. This is perfect for sustainable urban gardening. Each plant in the park has a sign with both its popular name and its Latin name to make it easy for visitors to find.

Rockwall residents are welcome to visit the new educational garden at City Hall at 385 S. Goliad

Rockwall County residents are welcome to see the City Hall educational garden and get ideas for beautiful gardening that is also good for the environment.

Celebrating Arbor Day in Rockwall was great opportunity for the city administration to upgrade the green infrastructure within the city, but also remind Rockwall residents about the importance of planting.

The November 3 event shows that eco-friendliness is becoming more popular in city planning, which shows that more people are realizing how important it is to use sustainable methods as the climate changes.

William Wilson

William, a junior writer, recently embarked on his journalism career. He is dedicated to reporting news promptly as events unfold.

William Wilson
William Wilsonhttps://rockwall.news
William, a junior writer, recently embarked on his journalism career. He is dedicated to reporting news promptly as events unfold.

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