HomeRockwallRockwall City Council to hold regular meeting on November 20 at 5...

Rockwall City Council to hold regular meeting on November 20 at 5 p.m.

Rockwall, Texas – The Rockwall City Council is set to convene for its regular meeting on Monday, November 20th, at the City Hall Council Chambers at 385 S. Goliad St., Rockwall, TX 75087.

Rockwall City Council November 20 agenda and topics

The first part of the evening will see an executive session where several matters are anticipated to be discussed as authorized under Chapter 551 of the Texas government code. Among these topics is discussion regarding economic development prospects and potential projects in Rockwall, along with possible incentives pursuant to Section 551.087 (Economic Development).

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In addition, appointments and reappointments to various regulatory boards and commissions within the city are also expected to be deliberated upon according to §551-074 (Personnel Matters) section statute.

Lastly, a significant portion of the time during the private gathering will likely revolve around discussions concerning sales or purchases related to real estate properties located near the downtown area, all conducted per Sections §5501-072 (Real Property) & §5501-071 (Consultation with Attorney).

Following adjournment from their closed-door proceedings, the public assembly will reconvene at 6 p.m. The public meeting will continue with the invocation and pledge of allegiance.

Proclamations, awards, and recognitions

A highlight of the meeting will be when members of the Rockwall Fire Department—Engine 1 Shift A team—will receive Lifesaving Awards recognition for heroic efforts demonstrated earlier this year for two separate responses that took place on June 16th and September 29th, respectively.

Lifesaving Award (06/16/2023)—Rockwall Fire Department, Engine 1 Shift A

  • Rodney Caudle – Captain
  • Clay Crawford – Firefighter
  • Zach Yates – Firefighter

Lifesaving Award (09/29/2023)—Rockwall Fire Department, Engine 1 Shift A

  • Rodney Caudle – Captain
  • Clay Crawford – Firefighter
  • Collin Taylor – Firefighter

The above-mentioned firefighters each acknowledged their respective contributions towards preserving the lives of local community citizens through quick thinking and decisive action amidst emergency situations that occurred on the dates mentioned above.

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The crew of Rockwall FD Engine 1 “A” shift, along with the crew from Rockwall County EMS, demonstrated extraordinary teamwork and determination while taking actions that directly saved a life and are to be commended for their efforts.

Rockwall City Council - regular meeting on November 20 on several topics including Texas Indian Association Recognition Day proclamation

Texas Indian Association Recognition Day proclamation

Rockwall Mayor Trace Johannesen will proclaim “Texas Indian Association Recognition Day”. Johannesen will proclaim November 20, 2023, as Texas Indian Association Recognition Day in the City of Rockwall and will urge all residents to applaud the Texas Indian Association for their efforts towards giving back to our local community while celebrating and promoting India and its culture.

Rockwall City Council - regular meeting on November 20 on several topics including Texas Indian Association Recognition Day proclamation

After the proclamation of Texas Indian Association Recognition Day, the Rockwall City Council will have a meeting with a Planning & Zoning Commission representative to discuss and answer any questions regarding planning-related cases on the agenda.

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After this meeting, there will be an open forum where anyone can address the council and the public on any topic not already listed on the agenda or set for a public hearing.

The details about the November 20 Rockwall City Council meeting agenda can be found here.

Enoch Greenfield

Enoch is a senior writer with a dedication and commitment to covering all types of news in Rockwall. From breaking news to community events and crime investigations, Enoch provides valuable insight through his coverage.

Enoch Greenfield
Enoch Greenfieldhttps://rockwall.news
Enoch is a senior writer with a dedication and commitment to covering all types of news in Rockwall. From breaking news to community events and crime investigations, Enoch provides valuable insight through his coverage.

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